selma banich, Lana Hosni, Sara Salamon and Adam Semijalac
Pogon Jedinstvo, Zagreb, 2023
The experiential workshop series and video work Voices explores the voice as a medium and resource and the body as a repository of our individual and collective experiences, states, and feelings. With this work, we descend into the “pit” and carefully listen to our inner “canary”. Working with the voice through breath, sound, and resonance, we seek answers to our inner questions and needs. We look back at the present sensations, expressions, and experiences waiting to be seen. We listen to the sound from within, and by listening, we nurture the ability of spontaneous and genuine expression. What do I hear? What are the voices telling me? Whose are they? How do I feel? Do I have the opportunity to be seen and heard fully? How does that feel? What do I need?
Looking critically at the concepts of resilience and sustainability used to normalize human and non-human suffering under capitalism, the Voices speak of individual and collective experiences of trauma, fragility as an experience of radical resistance, and healing as a tool for social change and liberation.
The Voices are a continuation of the artistic research Ode zemlja u led’nu, svak ti šuti istinu and the audio work Ustenjavanje naroda performed by Grupa za nove narodne prakse, with which we questioned the imposed norms of the patriarchal tradition, created a space for psychophysical and emotional self-expression and healing and practiced the right of each person to explore themselves as a being.
Serija iskustvenih radionica i video rad Glasovi / Voices istražuje glas kao medij i resurs i tijelo kao repozitorij naših individualnih i kolektivnih iskustava, stanja i osjećaja. Ovim radom spuštamo se u “kovu” i pažljivo osluškujemo svog unutarnjeg “kanarinca”. Radeći s glasom kroz dah, zvuk i rezoniranje, tražimo odgovore na naša unutarnja pitanja i potrebe. Osvrćemo se na prisutne osjete, izraze i doživljaje koji čekaju biti viđeni. Osluškujemo zvuk iznutra i slušanjem njegujemo sposobnost spontanog i iskrenog izraza. Što čujem? Što mi govore glasovi? Čiji su? Kako se osjećam? Imam li priliku biti viđena i saslušana u potpunosti? Kakav je to osjećaj? Što trebam?
Kritički gledajući na koncepte otpornosti i održivosti koji se koriste za normalizaciju ljudske i neljudske patnje u kapitalizmu, Glasovi / Voices govore o individualnim i kolektivnim iskustvima traume, krhkosti kao iskustvu radikalnog otpora i iscjeljivanju kao alatu za društvenu promjenu i oslobođenje.
Glasovi / Voices su nastavak umjetničkog istraživanja Ode zemlja u led’nu, svak ti šuti istinu i audio rada Ustenjavanje naroda u izvedbi Grupe za nove narodne prakse, kojim smo propitivale nametnute norme patrijarhalne tradicije, stvarali prostor za psihofizičko i emocionalno samoizražavanje i iscjeljivanje te prakticirale pravo svake osobe da istražuje sebe kao biće.
Credits and links
Artistic collective: selma banich, Lana Hosni, Sara Salamon and Adam Semijalac
Featuring: Lana Hosni, Sara Salamon, Adam Semijalac and selma banich
Cinematography, sound recording and editing: Sara Salamon
Audio mastering: Adam Semijalac
Devised and curated by: selma banich
Production: OOUR, 2023
This project was made possible with the financial support of the City of Zagreb and the Ministry of Culture and Media of the Republic of Croatia.
We would like to express our gratitude to Tin Dožić, Marco Donnarumma (Xth sense microphone), Centar Mladih Ribnjak, Pogon Jedinstvo, and their teams. Heartfelt thanks to Lana, Sara, and Adam for coming with me on this journey, as well as to all my past, present, and future teachers and healers.