selma banich u suradnji s polaznicama radionice

MSU, Zagreb, 2019 - 2024



Danas, kada postajem neustrašiva,

Dajem časnu riječ da ću i dalje biti prkosna i odvažna.

I biti odana drugarica;

Da ću prozreti svakog tko

U ime nacije, države i teritorija

Mrzi, muči i zabranjuje.

Da neću šutjeti niti pognuti glavu, ni pred kim.

Da ću unatoč zastrašivanju i prijetnjama,

Razvijati sestrinjstvo i slobodu izraza.

I braniti slobodarske ideje.

THE LAST HOWL self-portrait, 39 cm x 37 cm, 2022


self-portrait, 39 cm x 37 cm, 2022

Dear comrades in Poland and beyond,

I share with you my self-portrait embroidered on an old cotton handkerchief that belonged to my grandmother. This simple four-color embroidery embodies a moment of life with depression and a struggle to maintain mental health and spiritual harmony. I dedicate this embroidery to my grandmother Nefisa Muradbegović (married Krstulović), a committed anti-fascist and educator who participated in the Resistance Movement as a young woman, and to her eternal kindness.

A year ago, I experienced a severe case of burnout. I no longer knew how to deal with the stress caused by hatred and violence around me. The bitter feeling of heartache and anxiety was unbearable. My tar-like interior was grieving. In such a state of misery, lasting resilience was no longer possible.

I spent many hours, many sleepless nights in agony, thinking of the suffering that is passed down through generations, of the individual lineage of pain, of the collective traumas. I refused to normalize human suffering for one second longer. 

Instead of achieving true social change for all, my resilience was used against me. It was used to normalize cruelty and repression. At the same time, I endangered my health and well-being. In order to embrace fragility, appreciate the complexity of deep feelings and dark moods, and the vulnerability of everything that lives, I had to dismantle the illusion of permanence. I had to heal myself, and re-learn how to take care of self.

All life is fragile. All species and ecosystems suffer. No one is resilient to endless cycles of oppression and exploitation. Everything breaks, and everyone hurts. Goodbye, dear resilience! I dedicate my last howl to you.

Iskustvena radionica i audio rad Urlici / Howls istražuje glas kao medij zajednice, odnosno jezik kao resurs i repozitorij naših individualnih i kolektivnih iskustava, stanja i osjećaja. Tražeći odgovore na svoja unutarnja pitanja i potrebe, usredotočile smo se na suradničke prakse slušanja, pisanja i izvođenja. Kolektivno prekidajući šutnju, aktivirale smo prostor slušanja kako bi naša svakodnevna borba odzvanjala okoštalom utrobom Muzeja. O čemu ne govorimo jedna s drugom, a trebale bismo? Što nam govore glasovi kada se prekine tišina? Kako se osjećam? Što trebam?

The experiential workshop and sound work Urlici / Howls explores the voice as a community medium, that is, language as a resource and repository of our individual and collective experiences, states, and feelings. Seeking answers to our inner questions and needs, we focused on collaborative listening, writing, and performance practices. Collectively breaking the silence, we activated the listening space so that our daily struggle would echo through the ossified bowels of the Museum. What are we not talking about with each other that we should? What do the voices tell us when the silence is broken? How do I feel? What do I need?


Credits and links

Umjetnički kolektiv / artistic collective: Ana Čorić, Anita Tripalo, Helena Kecerin Penzar, Josipa Slaviček, Latica Ilić, Maja Sruk, Petra Matić, Sanja Poznanović, selma banich, Vedrana Radanović, Vida Strasser i/and Željka Kovačević Kruljac

Osmislila / devised by: selma banich

Kustosice / curators: Miranda Herceg (Ljeto u MSU), Julia Celejewska (Fundacja RegenerAkcja) i/and Petra Matić (Škola promjene, Museum of the Commons, MSU)

Snimanje i montaža zvuka / sound recording and editing: Adam Semijalac

Fotografije / photo: Tomislav Jagar (Urlici, 2019) i/and Tjaša Kalkan (The Last Howl, 2022)

Produkcija / production: MSU, Fundacja RegenerAkcja & OOUR, 2019 - 2024

Projekt je ostvaren uz podršku Grada Zagreba.

Radionica Urlici / Howls je dio programa Škole promjene EU projekta Museum of the Commons te se realizira u sklopu izložbe «Osvijesti! Odupri se! Reagiraj! Performans i politika u postjugoslavenskom kontekstu 1990-ih». Škola promjene je edukativni program koji je dio EU projekta Museum of the Commons, u sklopu L’Internationale, saveza 14 europskih muzeja i drugih kulturnih institucija za suvremenu umjetnost. Škola promjene bavi se osnaživanjem zajednice i povezivanjem muzeja s istom, jer zajedno smo jači.

The workshop Urlici / Howls is part of the School of Radical Education program, Museum of the Commons EU project and is realized as part of the exhibition "Realise! Resist! React! Performance and Politics in the Post-Yugoslav Context of the 1990s". The School of Radical Education is an educational program which is part of the EU project Museum of the Commons, as part of the L’Internationale, an alliance of 14 European museums and other cultural institutions for contemporary art. The School of Radical Education works to empower the community and connect it to the museum, because we are stronger together.

Cover photo: Tjaša Kalkan (The Last Howl, 2022)


+ Fundacja RegenerAkcja